Pā to Plate
Kai | Kōrero | Kāinga
Our Kai
Explore 'home-grown' grown and produced kai from the Tai Tokerau/Northland landscapes that have nurtured generations. All kai subject to local and season availability.
Pā to Plate News feed
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P2P winter wānanga series: Preserved kai
August 10, 2022
P2P whānau have been busy over the winter period. Paula Hohua has been sharing knowledge on perserving kai. The last wānanga was held on Matai Aranui marae. Efforts here were supported by Paul Voigt, Isaac Caroo, Maria Barnes and Aunty Judy. This series has been made possible with funding by the Kai Ora Fund.
Our Kōrero
Discover foods grown and produced on the ancestral landscapes of Tai Tokerau. The name Pā to Plate refers to the pā-dominant landscape of Northland. Historically, pā and papakāinga were strategically placed to capture the energy (carbohydrates and protein) of soils and waterways. Marae were the centres of energy redistribution among kin-groups, or hapū. Today, most of us are almost wholly physically and economically disconnected from ancestral lands and customary food sources. Pā to Plate is a local initiative designed to:
Reconnect tangata with their whenua through kai and kōrero
Re-build the Māori food economy in Tai Tokerau
Connect growers and producers in Northland (Tai Tokerau) with each other and their marae
Our Kāinga
Explore our ancestral kāinga of Tai Tokerau. Pā to Plate is connecting established and emerging growers from coast to coast. We are currently working with marae community growers based in rural settlements of Whirinaki, Tautoro, Waima, Oromahoe and Karetu. Further communities coming soon.
Contact Pā to Plate
CUSTOMERS: Do you want to support Pā to Plate farmers and producers and get fresh, locally grown or prepared food or fibres for you and your 'whanau? Email us at info@pa2plate.co.nz or fill in the form to register as a customer when we go live.
PRODUCERS: Are you a local farmer, grower or producer looking to join our growers community? Contact us if you are interested in Pā to Plate kaupapa, Policies, Procedures, and Food Safety requirements.